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E-Cubed: Nine More Energy Experiments to Make Joy, Fun, and Finding Miracles Your Full-Time Gig

E-Cubed: Nine More Energy Experiments to Make Joy, Fun, and Finding Miracles Your Full-Time Gig - Pam Grout From the very beginning of ‘E-cubed’, literally the first page of the first chapter, the reader gets the distinct impression that this book will be a lot of fun to read and it will certainly turn our “static” views of the world, indeed the very way we see the world, on its head (no, I won’t say specifically what the author, Pam Grout, does - that would spoil the fun).

In ‘E-cubed’ Pam Grout continues from her previous book, ‘E- squared’ with “..nine new experiments and more tips on how to keep the gates of the world’s largess and abundance wide-open..” The experiments are easily understood, simple to implement and won’t cost the reader a thing, other than the loss of old belief systems.

The central idea behind all of the experiments is to demonstrate that our traditional views and beliefs systems can be very limiting and by expanding our awareness into the quantum field, or the field of potentiality (abbreviated as FP in the book), we can make use of latent, universal powers to help create a better reality for ourselves and for the world as a whole.

When we recognize “The fact that your thoughts are energy waves being broadcast out into this giant field of infinite potentiality is something you should be aware of and deploying on a moment-by-moment basis” we can break free from the traditional ‘memes’ in which we have predominantly lived our lives. For those that are not aware, dictionaries define a ‘meme’ as, “An element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation” or “An idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture.” The nine memes that are discussed in E-cubed are then associated with the nine experiments (funny how that worked =;0) and the reader is encouraged to see that our reality can actually change when we overcome our memes.

Regardless of the results we obtain from each individual experiment, and judging from the huge success of the experiments from the first book I expect the positive responses from readers of this book will also be equally amazing, my main take-away from this book is that we don’t have to stay victims of our past or be limited by our social programming. By moving from the conditioned memes to ‘Worldview 2.0’, as Pam refers to it, we start to realize our real potential.

Although readers of other books in this genre will recognize some familiar themes: the power of gratitude, the interconnectedness of all things in the universe, the importance of happiness and, perhaps the most important idea, that thoughts are things and create our reality, I can say that Pam shares these concepts with an unparalleled sense of humour. Indeed, I have yet to find any book in the self-empowerment/self-help/personal awareness genre that was as fun to read as ‘E-cubed.’